Crown’s A&S Champions

I did it. I registered for Crown’s A&S Champions.

Not only that, I actually asked for help! I shared my documentation with a Laurel and friend for preliminary feedback. I appreciate her help and that she asked very specifically what types of feedback I was after. I doubt she’ll rip the document to shreds, but even if she does, I know I’ll be better for it. But I’ll be perfectly honest, I’m hoping for at least a little bit of validation. I’ve worked incredibly hard on this project, and I hope that shows in my documentation.

She says I should be proud and gave me a lot of valuable feedback. I’ll use that to polish my documentation as much as I can.

A friend posted a picture of a massively snarled looking tree trunk. I was inspired to write this:

Time rolls across bark / Lolling in great rivulets / Waves transfixed in wood / The wind has created art / Nature’s canvas, gnarled tree.

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