Collar Conundrum

I’ll openly admit that it took approximately two and a half years to make the two small cuts into the silk to open the garment so the collar can be attached. It felt that way at least.

I’m also having a beast of a time getting the collar pinned on. I haven’t gotten so frustrated I’ve flung it in the floor, but I’m seriously considering turning the light out in the room it’s in.


The poems are coming along nicely. I’ve had multiple days with multiple poems in the past week. It’s definitely becoming easier to write them. Not that they’re all gold or even close, but I’m enjoying the mental exercise.

Some days words tumble And splash across the blank page Like so much spilled ink

I stand transfixed by the speed Of my completed poems.

Ok. Half pinned in. Specifically the right side is pinned. Bending over the table is unpleasant after all the snow shoveling yesterday, so I’m having to take breaks, and the process is taking forever. Plus it’s fiddly. Super fiddly.

Left side pinned. It may not look like much but it was more than three hours work.

Tomorrow I’ll stitch it on.

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