Lining Soft Deadline

I’m trying to be very calm about the fact that I’m going to have a hard time finishing the lining before the end of the year.

Today’s tasks: Press all seams. Mark the collar. Pin the collar. Stitch the collar on. Mark the sleeves. Sew the sleeves. Pin the sleeves. Stitch the sleeves on.

Let’s see what I can get through…

I’ve pressed all the seams and am moving on to marking the collar.

I paused between marking the collar and pinning it to give it a pressing.

Now that I have the collar pinned on, I have to decide if I’m folding it neatly on my lap or leaving it on the dining room table for stitching.

I left it on the table to stitch the collar on.

Took another brief break to press a sleeve before beginning the marking up.

And it’s getting on toward midnight. Looks like champagne and sleeves for the New Year. Cheers!

Time for reflection Contemplation of one’s place And where we have been.

Cherish what we can of it And move toward the future

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