A Festive Finish

The very last step My needle races through silk Sleeves pulled into place

This small pool of blue-green silk No longer shapeless. Complete.

I’ve finished the hitoe! It feels like getting an extra Yule gift!

Tomorrow work on the final garment, the uwagi, begins. I have 3 weeks. Machine stitching is a back-up, and I will do it if I have to. But I really don’t want to. So I have to sew fast and work really hard and get this garment done twice as fast as the other two.

The first step is to clear my dining room and mop the floor so I can throw silk into it again.

Fun times. At least the lining is silk. It’ll fray but not awfully. When I start cutting the brocade…yikes. I’m actually going to spend an hour or so and attempt to get my serger functioning so I can edge those pieces with it. At the very least, I will be zig-zagging/overcasting with my machine before sewing it together. But that’s a problem for *fingers crossed* next week.

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