Going Hard at the Hitoe

Before I went to sleep last night I made decent progress on the most current version of the hitoe plan, all the way through step 4, sewing the side seams. Ripping out the old seams (steps 5 and 6) was not something I was willing to do at 2am, so I stopped there. I think that’s a decent rule, no seam ripping or cutting after 2am. Maybe midnight.

The longer stitch length is a little hard to keep. I’m leaning heavily toward the 0.7cm side. But it is faster. It feels so weird to make such big stitches, but it does look like the “basting stitch” description.

Something I was considering, my sewing machine can not match this stitch length. That means one thing, I need to hand stitch the uwagi (upper garment). Which means I need to move faster. A lot faster. I am currently 9 days behind my original production schedule. Which isn’t so bad, and I really do think I can catch up.

Redoubled efforts Steadfastness of conviction Mind locked on the task

Banish the thoughts of failure Time must not be wasted

Hmm. I think I might like that format for the poems.

I made it through step 8 today, so tomorrow starts with step 9, attaching the okumi (overlap).

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